Saturday, 26 July 2014

A few photos of Stella Genesta

current rig - 2014
2 reefs down on the Waveney

moored at Coltishall Lock
moored at Loddon Staithe

original 80's rig
90's rig at Somerleyton

Thursday, 31 December 2009

blast from the past

Here is an old edition of the Green Wyvern newsletter. It dates back to 1998 and contains classic articles about the joys of Easter cruising, a farce on the upper Waveney, and the benefits of old fashioned pyjamas.

Click here for the newsletter.

Wednesday, 30 December 2009

from seasons past

FC1 is now tucked up for the winter at South River Marine and is not due back on the river until Easter. But if you are missing your sailing, here are some photos from time got by.

quanting to Beccles many years ago

upstream of Somerleyton Bridge

Easter 1998 - convivial wine party on Force Four; well remembered by the now owners of FC2.

Three Rivers Race 2002 - South Walsham dyke

there are more old photos here
and some of Brian Holden's old photos here

Turkey Race - Sat 5th December

moored at Somerleyton public quay on Friday

The fine craft Stella Genesta ventured forth for her final sail of the year at the Turkey Race in early December. Young Wyvern and Mr & Mrs Rev T moved the boat from Somerleyton to Reedham on the Friday, with a brief sail upriver to the top of Long Galley. Amazingly, Stella was the only boat on the river.
approaching Haddiscoe Stumps on Friday
Race day (Saturday) dawned sunny, mild, and moderately breezy. The slow boats were sent off first which played to FC1's advantage. She won her start and led the race throughout, taking line honours. It was pretty clear that the race was between ourselves and Rebecca who finished not far behind us. In the end we won by about half a minute on corrected time. Dryad was third. This prompted eulogise overload from Rev T: we left them for dead, it was the top crew that made the difference, I watched the jib like a [elderly short sighted] hawk etc etc.

with the trophy at Reedham Ferry

Thursday, 9 July 2009

A song - possibly set to make its chart debut played by Timothy and the Old Hands

She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes

Ah wis sailing over Breydon wi' John Duff,
And ah can tell you, mon, that it wis rough.
When I saw we'd lost yon crutches,
Well I nearly filled ma brutches,
It wis rough on Breydon Water wi' John Duff.

So there wis I, a-hanging o'er the side
Wi' ma fingers dangling in the rushin' tide.
As I pulled yon crutches out
Hear the skipper gie a shout:
'Don't let them go, or else Woe betide!'

So next time you go sailing wi' John Duff,
If you want to see that things are not too tough,
Have the topping lift well slack
As ye haul yon gaff jaws back,
And you'll be doing fine wi' Johnny Duff.

Composed by Old Hand

Monday, 29 June 2009

June Northern Waters Cruise

FC1 has returned from a very enjoyable 10 days cruise on the Northern Waters. She visited old haunts including Horsey, Sutton, and Upton. Rev T was also dragged against his will (twice) to Hunter's Yard but still managed to lapse into top eulogise mode without any difficulty. The wind varied from a flat calm to a stiff two reefer. Apart from a spectacular thunderstorm at Reedham Ferry, the weather was dry and fine. On the return south, FC1 tacked down the lower Bure without going aground before being rewarded with a beautiful early evening sail over Breydon. There were no wrecks and nobody drowned, in fact nothing to laugh at at all (if you don't count Rev T sailing into a tree in Meadow Dyke).

sailing past The Lighthouse near Horning

good deed of the day - helping a hire boat to reef at Gay's Staithe

flying the signal of the day - "43" at Berney. Can readers work out why? Hint - it wasn't just the World Cup that took place in 1966.

the clock at The White Horse, Neatishead - the inspiration for the sailing publication of the decade

Albion near Thurne Mouth

moored outside White Wings at Horning

more photos

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Spring Bank Holiday

FC1 took to the river for the Spring Bank Holiday with Mr & Mrs Rev T on board. They successfully completed the Perryman Race from Somerleyton to Beccles, finishing 4th out of 6 boats on the Saturday; the race was won by Puck. On Sunday they cruised up to Geldeston, before returning to Burgh St Peter for the night. On the Monday they sailed back to Somerleyton. Rev T reports that a good time was had by all.

Here is a photo of folks at Beccles Sailing Club waiting for the race results. From the left - Denis Kilner, Betty and Peter Charlton, Margaret Kilner, Joe Farrow, and Mrs Rev T - holding a pint glass, blimey.

This photo was taken of Stella upstream of Somerleyton Bridge by Bob Soutar and obtained from the Yare Sailing Club website courtesy of Margaret Kilner. Readers will note that the jib is not completely full. Rev T reports that Stella was still coming on to the tack, hence the flapping jib - a likely tale.