Saturday, 4 April 2009

on the water again

FC1 has taken to the water for 2009. Mr & Mrs Rev T have moved the boat to Somerleyton from its winter mooring at St Olaves. After a couple of cold and chilly days, the weather improved and they enjoyed a gentle sail up to the place they DO like [Beccles]. After a pint of beer in the Swan House at Beccles, Rev T reports that the world took on a rosy hue and top eulogise mode was soon obtained. The weather stayed fair for the return leg to Somerleyton.

The next outing for FC1 will be at the Green Wyvern May Day cruise. There might even be some photos (if Rev T remembers to take the camera this time).

And now there are! This photo was taken by John, the yacht station master at Beccles, as Stella prepared to leave the yacht station.