moored at Somerleyton public quay on Friday
The fine craft Stella Genesta ventured forth for her final sail of the year at the Turkey Race in early December. Young Wyvern and Mr & Mrs Rev T moved the boat from Somerleyton to Reedham on the Friday, with a brief sail upriver to the top of Long Galley. Amazingly, Stella was the only boat on the river.
approaching Haddiscoe Stumps on Friday
Race day (Saturday) dawned sunny, mild, and moderately breezy. The slow boats were sent off first which played to FC1's advantage. She won her start and led the race throughout, taking line honours. It was pretty clear that the race was between ourselves and Rebecca who finished not far behind us. In the end we won by about half a minute on corrected time. Dryad was third. This prompted eulogise overload from Rev T: we left them for dead, it was the top crew that made the difference, I watched the jib like a [elderly short sighted] hawk etc etc.